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KOSPI® is a systemic insecticide composed of imidacloprid and bifenthrin that combines in the same product the prolonged control of imidacloprid plus the rapid control of pest insects by contact and/or ingestion of bifenthrin.

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Imidacloprid is a neonicotinoid systemic insecticide, from the group of nitroguanidines, for the control of pest insects in agricultural crops. Bifenthrin it hyperexcites the insects by exposing them to contact with the insecticide, it acts by contact and by ingestion, it is absorbed through the cuticle and by inhalation in insects, it is not systemic in plants and it is a fourth generation synthetic pyrethroid improved by photostability and residuality. Bifenthrin is a Type I pyrethroid with broad spectrum control in a wide range of uses in agricultural areas.

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